THE ORIGINAL Free Calculator to optimize the purchase of buildings in games of Storm8.
Supports World War, iMobsters, Racing Live, Vampires Live, Kingdoms Live and Zombies Live.
✔ Vampires Ankou added.
✔ Major redesign for stability, avoid crashes, and devices with low memory.
✔ Calculator: just enter the amount to spend and Calculate!
✔ Owned quantity Input, in bulk easily through a file import. See more...
✔ Add new buildings without waiting for an application upgrade. See more...
✔ Purchase List Superimposed over the Storm8's game directly.
✔ Multiples languages supported: English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, (French in progress)
✔ Editing quantities over the list or Popup window.
✔ See Next Optimal building/character easily.
✔ Maintenance options: Backup/Export to SD, Restore/Import from SD, Reset app to factory state, Empty user data.
✔ Gestures.
✔ Animations.
✔ Complete Help System.
✔ WarCalc becomes Transparent to copy the amount to spend of the Storm8's game .
✔ And many others options.
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Release notes:
See it work on YouTube: (HD supported)